All posts by Arya Gopikrishnan

My Madrid Recommendations 🇪🇸

If you are planning to study abroad in Madrid, here are my best tips/ recommendations and advice. After living in Madrid for four months, I have a good sense of the city now. Madrid in my opnion is one of the safest and cleanest cities in Europe, and no matter how long you stay, you ...

Saying Goodbye

I am currently in my last week of my study abroad program feeling all sorts of emotions. I am looking forward to going back home, getting into routine and meeting friends and family, but at the same time I will miss my life in Madrid and all the new friends I’ve made here. For my ...

Spring Break in Italy – Florence, Lake Como and Venice

The second part of my Italy trip was in the Northern region of Italy. Between cities, I took the Italo Treno which is the intercity train in Italy. Although it was the beginning of April, northern Italy still felt very cold, but we still had a great rest of our spring break.  From Naples, I ...

Spring Break in Italy – Rome, Naples and Capri

Towards the end of the study abroad program in April, I had over a week off for Easter break, as they call it here in Europe. It was a ten day break so I had decided to spend the entire break in Italy! I went along with three other friends from South Korea, who I ...

Travelling while Studying Abroad

One of the main advantages of studying abroad in Europe is the convenience of travelling to other nearby or Schengen countries. Within the Schengen area, there is no border control, so there is no need for a separate visa for each country. It is also very helpful to create your university class schedule in a ...

Is it Expensive to Study Abroad?

One of the most frequently asked questions about studying abroad is if it is expensive to study abroad. The answer is, it depends on many factors and what you choose to do during your study abroad. Logistically, the tuition fee for the quarter you are studying abroad will cost the same as for any normal ...

A Typical Weekend in Madrid

On most weekends, I either travel within Spain or to a different country. However, I intentionally left a few weekends free to spend time in Madrid. Before I leave Madrid, I want to be familiar with every neighborhood in this city, because Madrid has so much to offer! As a study abroad student in Madrid, ...

Learning Spanish in Spain

I chose to study abroad in Spain knowing my limited abilities in Spanish. I did not study it in high school either, so I had zero exposure to the language prior to coming to Madrid. A few weeks before the study abroad, I began learning some basic phrases on Duolingo so that I could get ...

The Art of Living in Spain

Presence is far more rewarding than productivity. And life in Europe is the perfect example for it. Europe has a lot to offer. Apart from the beautiful scenery, delicious food, affordable travel and amazing architecture, the culture and the people in Europe have taught me that every second is meant to be savored. During my ...

Vegetarian in Madrid

One of my favorite things to do in Madrid is eating out! I am always on the lookout for good restraunts that serve authentic Spanish food as well as vegetarian options although typical Spanish meals do contain meat. Before the study abroad program, I was skeptical about the food options for vegetarians and was worried ...