All posts by Ryan Chiasson

The Finale

And just like that, I am headed back to America. The study abroad experience has been a whirlwind of a few months. On one hand, this quarter has gone by in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, I have seemed to achieve a lifetime of accomplishments within my time abroad. When I ...

My Favorites in London

As the end draws near, I’d like to reflect on my top five favorite places to go in London. Whether it be a restaurant or a park, I’d like to try and spend more time at these places within the last week of my stay. Here are some great places that you must add to ...

Philly Meets London: Bonding Over Cheesesteaks

After learning all about British culture for the last three months, we decided to teach our professor a thing or two about Philadelphian culture. What does Philadelphian culture include, you ask? Well, cheesesteaks mainly. London is home to a Philly-themed restaurant and bar called Passyunk Ave, named after the familiar “foodie” street in South Philadelphia. ...

Smashing Stereotypes

Stereotypes are defined as, “A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.” Unfortunately, stereotypes are difficult to avoid in any country. However, before studying abroad, recognize that it is important not to judge any place based on the stereotypes surrounding their country! Here are some ...

How to Save Money Abroad

Studying abroad does not have to break the bank! Believe it or not, this experience can be both amazing and affordable. Here are some of my tips on how to save money while you are traveling abroad! Budget There are endless amounts of ways to budget while you are abroad, especially with modern technology. There ...

Anne Frank in Amsterdam

The Holocaust has been a topic that has recently been popping up in my abroad experience. Although a touchy subject, learning about the Holocaust in Europe, where it occurred, has been very illuminating and a great educational opportunity. I spent one night in Amsterdam after traveling to Paris, and decided to visit the Anne Frank ...

Language Barriers

Let’s talk about language barriers! Language barriers are formally defined as, “a barrier of communication between people who are unable to speak a common language.” Commonly, this occurs between two people who speak completely different languages. Luckily, as English speaking people, we are a bit more advantaged. About 1.75 billion people on the Earth speak ...

Directions to the Mona Lisa

After class on Thursday we hopped on the Eurostar to Paris. The Eurostar is a train line that runs through Europe, as the name implies. Luckily, the train leaves from King’s Cross Station, about a 25 minute tube ride from our home base. The Eurostar is a really great way to travel throughout Europe. It ...

Midterms Don’t Have To Be Miserable

It is that time of the quarter (for Drexel students, anyway) to take midterms. At the Foundation of International Education here in London, we follow a quarter system, as well. So, while you are freaking out about midterms over in Philadelphia, I am also freaking out about midterms here in London. Usually, for me anyways, ...

Last Stop, Barcelona!

The third and final stop on our Spring break trip was the capital of Spain, Barcelona! Barcelona was somewhere that I never really expected to go, but the flights fit very well when we were in the midst of planning our vacation. As I have said before in my blog posts, make sure to plan ...