Category: Drexel in Philadelphia: Inbound Exchange

Special Visits, Rooftops, and Restaurants: A Week of Urban Delights

Time truly flies when you’re having fun, and this past week in Philadelphia has been nothing short of exhilarating. As an exchange student at Drexel University, each week brings new adventures, but this week was particularly special as I had the pleasure of playing tour guide to my boyfriend, Pau, who came all the way ...

Exploring the Windy City: A Weekend Adventure in Chicago

This week marked an exciting milestone for me as an incoming exchange student at Drexel University – my first trip with my roommates, and what a trip it was! Late Thursday night, we boarded a flight bound for the vibrant city of Chicago, Illinois. The excitement was tangible, and I couldn’t wait to delve into ...

My Essential Philly’s Must-See List

This week, I truly embraced the tourist experience! I realized that I had been putting off visiting some of Philadelphia’s essential destinations for too long, prompting me to delve deeper into exploring the city. Here, I share my top five must-visit destinations that every newcomer to Philadelphia should experience at least once. 1. Independence National ...

Exploring the Drexel Experience: A Week of Firsts

Greetings, Dragons! As the spring term unfolds at Drexel University, I’m thrilled to share my second-week experiences with you. This week has been nothing short of exhilarating, marked by new discoveries, fascinating encounters, and unforgettable moments. Let’s start with the weather – a significant improvement from last week, wouldn’t you agree? The sun’s warmth beckoned ...

A Journey Begins: Settling into Philadelphia and Drexel University

Hello there! If you’re reading my blog, chances are you’re either a Drexel student or soon to be one. Greetings! I’m Ela, and I’m thrilled to share my insights, experiences, and knowledge about college, education, and university life. I could say that the past 2 weeks have been the most intense weeks in my entire ...

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (maybe not)

America. The land of the free and home of the brave. My study abroad decision marked the start of many new beginnings, both in and out of Philly. I am privileged to have friends in America whom I met through my previous summer schools, and I will be reconnecting with them. One of my friends ...

My Unforgettable Birthday!

In my last blog post, I shared the excitement of attending my friend’s birthday party and experiencing my first taste of American birthday traditions. Little did I know that I would soon have the opportunity to create my own unforgettable birthday memories, this time in the bustling city of New York. As the date of ...

The End of my First Term in Drexel!

Greetings, Drexel community! As I sit down to compose what marks my final blog entry for this term, I can’t help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. These past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of academic challenges, personal growth, and unforgettable experiences. So, join me as I take a reflective journey through my time ...

A Birthday Bash and Feline Fun: My First Birthday Party Experience

As an exchange student in a foreign country, experiencing new traditions and celebrations is part of the adventure. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend my first birthday party outside my home country, and it turned out to be a delightful and memorable experience. The party was held at a friend’s house. As I entered, ...

Turning 21 at Drexel University!

Hey there, Drexel! This blog is a bit different from the others because it’s quite special to me. This past week held something extraordinary – on March 7th, I celebrated my birthday! I turned 21, officially reaching adulthood in the United States. What a thrill! It all began on Thursday at noon with a delightful ...